持续的服务 |
应计费率每月 |
应计费率 |
1个月到3年 |
12个小时 |
18天 |
37个月到8年 |
14个小时 |
21天 |
97个月到15年 |
16个小时 |
24天 |
超过15年 |
18个小时 |
27天 |
所有工作时间在一半或以上的员工都可以享受主要病假时间, 学生雇员除外. Major medical 离开 time may be used for illness or injury of an employee or member of the employee’s immediate family (spouse, 家长, 继父或继母, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子, 继子, 孙子, 祖父母, 女婿或儿媳, 母亲或岳父, 兄弟姐妹)员工用完后请一天事假, 补假, 如果员工没有累计事假,则不带薪休假. 9个月教职员工因病缺勤的第一天可以使用大病假.
持续的服务 |
应计费率每月 |
应计费率 |
1个月到3年 |
8小时 |
12天 |
37个月到8年 |
7个小时 |
10.5天 |
97个月到15年 |
6个小时 |
9天 |
超过15年 |
5个小时 |
7.5天 |
持续的服务 |
应计费率每月 |
应计费率 |
1个月到3年 |
13.33小时 |
15天 |
37个月到8年 |
14.20个小时 |
16天 |
97个月到15年 |
15.40小时 |
17天 |
超过15年 |
16个小时 |
18天 |
The University observes the following holidays: Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day; New Year’s Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Day; Memorial Day. 总统可以增加或删除特殊假日.
政策: The complete policies on all types of 离开 available can be found on the University Employment Policies page here: http://i4.coeodo.net/policies/policy/university-policies/employment/
Leave time (per儿子al and medical hours) accrued in a month will be available to taken the following month. 它不能在一个月内领取.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 was passed by Congress and became effective August 5, 1993. The act allows an employee who has been employed with the university for at least one year and who has worked at least 1250 hours during the past 12 months to take a total of 12 work weeks, 已付或未付, 离开. Leave is granted for any of the following rea儿子s: (1) to care for the employee’s 孩子 at birth, 或者被送去领养或寄养, (二)照顾职工的配偶, 儿子, 或女儿, 或父母, 谁有严重的健康问题, or (3) for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee’s job. 雇员可能被要求提供提前休假通知和医疗证明. 如不符合要求,可拒绝休假. 如果休假是“可预见的”,员工通常必须提前30天通知。, and employer may require medical certification to support a request for 离开 because of a serious health condition, 并可能需要第二或第三意见和健康的值班报告才能返回工作岗位.
申请FMLA休假或索取额外资料, 请与人力资源办公室联系.
注意: FMLA不为员工提供任何带薪休假. An employee who is out on FMLA 离开 will use 离开 time (Medical and/or Per儿子al 离开) to continue their pay while out on 离开.
公平劳动标准法(FLSA)规定了最低工资, 加班工资, 保留记录, 以及影响私营部门和联邦政府雇员的青年就业标准, 状态, 地方政府.
- Non-exempt workers who are hourly employees and paid bi-weekly are eligible to earn 加班工资 for hours worked over 40 in a week.
- Non-exempt workers who are salary employees and paid monthly are eligible to earn compensatory time for hours worked over 40 in a week.
- Employees whose position is categorized as exempt are not eligible to earn overtime or compensatory time.
- 所有获得和使用的补偿时间应记录在每月工时表上.
- 如果在该月时间结束后领取或赚取任何报酬, 签署的考勤表必须提交给人力资源部,以防迟到.
以下是每月雇员的薪酬和弹性工作时间的一般指引和解释. 它并不意味着是全面的或解决所有的情况. 如有任何问题,请致电人力资源部,澄清或讨论特定情况.
定义: 以1的比率赚取的时间.每周(周日至周六)工作超过40小时,每工作1小时5小时
- All comp time must be approved by the employee’s supervisor and the department’s reporting Vice-President 提前. 补助金雇员, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to be sure that the grant guidelines allow for comp time.
- 未经主管批准,员工每周工作时间不得超过40小时.
- 排版时间 earned is entered into Banner with all other monthly 离开 time taken by the department timekeeper.
- The actual number of hours the employee works beyond 40 in the week is entered on that day using the code CTE (comp time earned) and Banner will credit the employee comp time at the 1.5倍的速度.
- 注:如果在一周内获得补偿时间,还有带薪的DSU假期, 那么这个时间需要发送给HR输入,而不是在Banner中提交.
- Any comp time earned after the monthly time sheets have closed in Banner (usually around the 21st 每月的月号)将被发送给HR录入时间.
- The actual hours an employee worked each week will also be recorded on the Monthly Time sheet sent to payroll to document the comp time earned.
- 如果对如何输入时间有任何困惑, 请在上班时间前联系人力资源部寻求帮助.
注意: The University will not be liable for any comp time not entered and maintained in Banner each pay period.
例子 & 重要提示:
- 例1:DSU办公室在一周内安排了一个活动, 那么员工A每周的工作时间如下:
- 星期一8小时,星期二8小时,星期三8小时,星期四8小时,星期五10小时,星期六4小时 总: 46小时工作
- 员工A每周工作6小时,超过40小时. 6 hours of comp time would be entered in Banner for the employee that week as CTE (2 hrs CTE on Fri, 4小时(星期六). 员工A将获得9小时的补偿时间. (6小时× 1.5 = 9 HRS薪酬). 该时间将显示在员工A的休假余额中,作为可用的补偿时间.
- 假期或任何休假时间不计入工作时间. 员工必须每周实际工作40小时才能获得补偿时间.
- 如果员工在规定假期的一周内超时工作, the employee will earn compensatory time at a 1 hour for every hour worked rate until the employee works beyond 40 hours.
- 例2:DSU周一放假(8小时). 员工B在一周剩余时间内的工作时间如下:
- 周二8小时,周三10小时,周四8小时,周五8小时 总: 34小时工作工资+ 8小时假期工资= 42小时工资.
- 员工B每周将获得2小时的补偿时间. 这个时间必须送HR进入.
- 补偿时间的使用方法与其他类型的休假时间相同. An employee submits the Staff Request for Leave with “Comp” listed in the “Type of Leave” column. The department timekeeper will then enter the 离开 with the rest of the department’s monthly 离开 time in Banner using the code CTT (comp time taken).
- 注意: Employees with an available balance of comp time hours earned must use those hours before they can take any per儿子al or 离开 time. Any 离开 requests for an employee with available comp time will be entered as comp time taken regardless of the type of request submitted (sick 离开 or per儿子al 离开).
定义: 如果员工被要求在正常工作时间之外工作, 主管有自由裁量权允许员工按另一种时间表工作(例如. 早点下班或晚些开始工作),这样他们每周的工作时间就不会超过40小时. 这使得DSU节省了资金,减少了员工的疲劳.
- All university offices must be staffed and any flexing of schedules cannot interfere with university operations, so flexing time may not be an option due to office staffing needs or the nature of the department or employee’s position.
- 弹性工作时间 must be approved 提前 and supervisors have the discretion to deny any requests based on department needs.
- 弹性工作时间 is recorded on the Monthly Time sheet as record of the actual hours the employee worked that week. 那一周的总工作时间将显示为40小时. 工资补偿时间和休假时间不计入Banner.
例子 & 重要提示:
- Ex 3. 正常的员工工作时间是周一至周五早上8点到下午5点. 员工A将被要求在周六下午12点至4点参加DSU活动. This would mean Employee A would work 44 scheduled hours that week and earn 6 hours of comp time. 相反,主管A允许员工A按照修改后的时间表工作:
- 周一- 8小时, 星期二- 4小时(上午8时至中午12时), 周三- 8小时, 星期四- 8小时, 星期五- 8小时, 星期六- 4小时(下午12时至4时), 总: 工作时间40小时(不含补偿时间)
- 修改后的进度表记录在员工每月的时间表上.
- If an employee has scheduled or unscheduled 离开 time in a week that exceeds the number of hours they would have worked over 40, 这也被记录为弹性工作时间.
- Ex 4: Employee C is ill and takes 离开 time on Monday and Tuesday of a week (8 hrs PL and 8 hrs MMed – 16 hrs total). Department C has an event on campus Saturday from 8 am – 4 pm where Employee C was previously scheduled to work.
- 实际工作时间:周三- 8小时,周四- 8小时,周五- 8小时,周六- 8小时 总: 32小时工作时间
- 员工C本周实际工作时间不超过40小时,因此不会获得任何补偿时间. 由于生病,他们请了16个小时的假. 因为活动安排在星期六, 8 of those hours can be considered flex hours so Employee C would only be charged 8 hours of 离开 (Mon – 8 PL, Tues – 0 MMed) and their Monthly Timesheet would reflect the Monday 离开 and the 32 hours worked Wed – Sat.
- The same would apply to any combination of per儿子al and medical 离开 time taken in a week where comp time might have been earned had the employee not put in a 离开 request.
- Ex 4: Employee C is ill and takes 离开 time on Monday and Tuesday of a week (8 hrs PL and 8 hrs MMed – 16 hrs total). Department C has an event on campus Saturday from 8 am – 4 pm where Employee C was previously scheduled to work.